Why Do People Get Sick?

Welcome to the "Healing Campaign," a series dedicated to exploring God's desire for your health and wholeness. Over the next few weeks, we will dive deep into the subject of healing, grounded in the truth that God Wants You Well. It's God's plan for all of us to live strong, sound, and healthy lives, and through these teachings, we aim to inspire you to raise your faith, believe God for your healing, and receive it.


To kick off, we’ll address an important question: Why do people get sick? Understanding the origin of sickness is key to unlocking your faith for healing. Have you ever wondered where sickness comes from and why it affects us? This is a crucial question, and the answer takes us back to the very beginning, to the Garden of Eden. After God created man, He placed him in the Garden with specific instructions on how to live. Just like any invention comes with a manual, God provided guidelines for maintaining the perfect state in which man was created—immune to sickness and death.

A man struggling with a fever.


We need to understand first, that from the beginning, when God created man, sickness and death were not part of His design. Genesis 1:26-28 reveals that man was made in the image and likeness of God—perfect, without defect, and with dominion over all creation, including pathogens and diseases. So what happened? That’s the BIG question.


In Genesis 2:16-17, God commanded man, saying, "Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die." This was a clear directive meant to preserve the state of perfection. However, as we know, man disobeyed, leading to the fall in Genesis 3. This act of disobedience brought about God’s judgment, introducing death and all its companions—sickness, disease, and suffering—into the world.


Sickness is a direct consequence of sin. Romans 3:23 says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Through Adam and Eve's disobedience, sin entered the human race, making all of us susceptible to sickness. As Romans 5:17 explains, “by one man's offense, death reigned”, and along with it, all the negative forces that oppose human life.


Furthermore, we live in a world system flawed and under the sway of the evil one. This fallen world is a breeding ground for sickness and disease, constantly attacking our bodies. While specific ailments have identifiable causes, the root of all sickness lies in the fall of man.


However, there is hope! Romans 5:17 continues, "Much more those who receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness will reign in life through Jesus Christ." Despite the entrance of sickness through sin, we have access to abundant grace and the ability to reign in life through Christ. Healing is possible, and through Jesus, we can overcome sickness.


As we continue our Healing Campaign, I encourage you to raise your faith and believe in God's healing power. Today, I pray for your healing, for strength, and for renewed hope. God is able to touch and heal you, restoring you to health. Believe that you can be well, and receive your healing in the name of Jesus Christ.


Let’s pray together: Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, I speak healing over every sickness and disease. I declare that by the stripes of Jesus, you are healed. Pain, sickness, and discomfort, I command you to leave in Jesus' name. Receive your healing now. Amen.





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The Deception Of Worry