Joseph Dhlakama.
Joseph Dhlakama is a pastor and teacher of the word of God. He is married to Lucynda and they are full time pastors with Forward In Faith Ministries International.He got saved in 1994 in Mutare the eastern boarder town of Zimbabwe, Africa. After being born again straight away he got dedicated to serving and ministering in the church.
He felt the call of God to preach and started conducting revivals and crusades sometimes by the road side and at times under the street light and any public place where people could gather. In 2005 he forsook all personal pursuits and went into full time ministry.
Together with his wife they have pastored in several locations ranging from the remotest places in Africa to the metropolitan cities like Sydney Australia. The privilege and experience of working with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures has helped solidify the understanding that all man desire a better life and he has committed his life to inspiring, encouraging and challenging all of us to reach forth for that kind of life because Jesus has already made it available for us, it is called Life in Abundance.
Joseph also holds several qualifications in leadership, as a Trainer and Assessor, Psychological counsellor and a Masters in Business Psychology. He is also a Bible school lecturer.